Lake Blue Ridge
Temp 57
Level -16ft
Clarity 12 ft
Walleye bite continues to be consistent as the temps and lake levels fall . We are in the sweet spot now ,cool water and steady weather make for good morning feeding patterns . We have seen some really nice fish in the 23 to 24 inch range in the last few weeks as we get more and more cold front/low pressure systems. Fish the prefrontal and frontal days for the best success. Clouds,rain,and overcast days are your friends this month. Everything we are having success on is vertical. Bringing the bait to the fish vs making them chase it. Smaller baits are getting bit by some really big fish so make sure and mix up your presentation. Color selection seems to be standard for walleye anywhere. Reds, greens ,purple ,black or gold are the usual choices but make sure and mix in some other choices as some days it can make all the difference.
The perch bite was on and off last month with all the warm weather but should be more consistent this month as the big females show up. Small spoons,minnows,even worms are a good option.
Been catching a lot of bass dropping spoons in 35ft . 3/4 oz krocolidle spoon or blue fox pixie spoon are my go to for spotted bass . Ones a longer profile while the other is shorter and falls a bit slower . Blues,yellow or straight chrome has been getting the job done .

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